When it comes to advertising, getting your message in front of the right people has always been key. Now that we live in a digital world,
this has become much easier. Gone are the days of placing an ad in the newspaper or the Yellow Pages and hoping your target customer would
happen to see it. Today, learning how to master online platforms -- or hiring an internet marketing company to do it for you -- can give you
ultimate control over your ad placement, brand awareness, and more! Contact us to
learn more and find out if Facebook marketing is the right fit for your business!
Facebook continues to be one of the best platforms for online marketing and it deserves a
prominent spot in marketing strategies for many businesses. Keep reading to learn some of our top tips for using Facebook to grow your
Post Consistently
When it comes to digital marketing, especially on Facebook, consistency is key. Since organic audience reach has decreased to just a
fraction of your following, you must remember that only a portion of your audience will see each post you make. For this reason, many
businesses are increasing their posting frequency.
Recent studies have found that businesses that post 5 times per day received an average of 50% more engagement than those that posted 10
times a day. So, the key lies in posting often enough, without overdoing it.
No matter what posting frequency you choose, try to stay consistent. If you post 10 times in one day and then not again for a week, your
audience won't know what to expect from you and this will decrease your engagement. If you don't have the time to post consistently,
consider working with a digital marketing agency that will handle content generation and
posting for you.
Post Quality Content That is Shareable
While you may need to increase your posting frequency, beware of sacrificing quality for quantity. Don't post content just for the sake of
posting something. Instead, you'll need to put some effort into ensuring that each item you add to your page fits into your overall digital
marketing strategy.
This is where a marking agency can really earn its keep. Not only will a professional internet marketing company ensure that you have access
to quality content but leaving this task up to others can also help protect you from yourself.
You'll also want to make sure that you're posting content that is highly sharable. This means that everything you post should either inform,
encourage, or entertain your audience. People love to share content that they believe will help others. Make this your primary focus and
you'll always be heading in the right direction.
Embrace User-Generated Content
If you consult an internet marketing company about making the most of your social media platforms, you're sure to hear the words
"user-generated content." This may involve asking your viewers to use a branded hashtag in their posts, share photos or videos of them using
your products, or leave reviews.
When you embrace user-generated content, it makes your brand seem much more authentic and trustworthy. Not only is this a great way to
generate content for free, but it's also often much more valuable than content you've created yourself.
Leave It to the Pros
Most business owners are too busy running their companies to effectively take advantage of all the opportunities Facebook marketing has to
offer. Hiring an internet marketing company to handle this for you could end up being one of the best business decisions you make this
year. Call Smart WSI Marketing, our Edmonton digital marketing agency to improve your social media image.
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies Education:
MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta] Author: The
Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)
Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education,
keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.
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