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How To Kiss Your Competitive Edge Goodbye

How to Kiss Your Competitive Edge Goodbye

With new businesses popping up every day, your business cannot afford bad habits. Without a competitive edge in your digital marketing strategy, your company may lose customers.  Read on if you want to avoid kissing your competitive edge goodbye. To learn even more, call us today!

Bad Habits and Weaknesses

Do you really want to show the world you have bad business habits or weaknesses? Every industry has common pain points such as:

You only have EVERYTHING to gain by fixing the shortcomings in your business and marketing strategies!

Customer Experience

In 2021, 63% of brands were prioritizing customer experiences. This was a smart move that 100% of brands should be following. Why? Get ready for some more stats. 54% of people had a more favourable view of a brand that responded to a customer service question or review (either positive or negative) on social media. Not only that, but people expect their responses on social media at lightning speed. 40% expect a response within an hour. That’s right, an hour. If you don’t respond to comments, it can increase your churn rate by 15%, whereas answering a social media complaint can increase your customer advocacy by 25%.  Prioritize communicating with your customers. Showing them that you are listening to what they are saying goes a long way in the overall customer experience.

To Automate, or Not?

Automation is rapidly becoming of great importance as technology continues to advance. In 2021, 75% of marketers are using at least one marketing automation tool, with 30% of them claiming that the biggest benefit of doing so is saving time. Using automation to schedule out social media posts, for example, can save around 6 hours a week alone. 60% also claim that automation has increased both the quantity and quality of leads that get passed to sales! It’s hard to argue with that.

Do as I Say, Not as I Do!
Are you guilty of saying one thing yet doing something completely different? An overwhelming 74% of marketers talk of the importance of targeted personalization to increase customer engagement, but 59% are not customizing their lead-producing efforts to follow the sales funnel or buying stages.

The Bottom Line

Customers KNOW how to comparison-shop like never before. People add items to their shopping carts and abandon them before completing the purchases. 60% of abandoned carts are due to shipping-related reasons. Are you ready, or are your customers going to abandon their carts? Companies who make use of abandoned shopping cart emails are reporting 50% of their revenues are generated the day they are sent. If you really want to boost the conversion rate of your abandoned shopping cart emails, give the people what they want – offer free shipping.

Sharpen Your Edges

The digital marketing landscape is a rapidly changing one and without a competitive edge, the fact of the matter is you will get left behind. Thankfully, that doesn’t have to happen to you! Partnering with a forward-thinking digital marketing agency, like Smart WSI Marketing ensures your edge stays razor sharp. Get in touch with us today for a complete overview of your overall digital marketing strategy and an in-depth look at how we can help your business can stand out from the competition.

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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