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5 Steps to Creating a Powerful “About Us” Page for Your eCommerce Store

5 Steps to Creating a Powerful “About Us” Page for Your eCommerce Store

Over 90% of organizations worldwide invest in content marketing, but few use it as efficiently as they could. One valuable website design element many business owners overlook is their “About Us” page. If you sell products online, it’s easy to put your web design focus there. A great “About Us” page, though, can go a long way in selling people on why they can trust your business. Smart WSI Marketing is an Edmonton website design company that can help your local retail business expand its reach while saving customers time and money. Contact us to learn more.

eCommerce Website Design: How to Craft a Great About Us Page 

“About Us” pages are much more than a recitation of when you started the business and how you offer “exceptional,” “friendly,” and “innovative” solutions. Of course, those things are important, but they’re also how most of your competitors are writing about themselves. 

In eCommerce web design, the best “About Us” pages are those that address both general questions like who you are, where you’re located, what you do, and how you’re doing it as well as setting out your brand’s vision and mission. 

For brands that sell products online, writing about them is relatively simple. Conveying your core values and building likeability by introducing your team is a little tricker. When building an eCommerce website design, an experienced digital marketing agency can help your brand stand out from the competition by incorporating these web design best practices. 

  • Tell your story. Everyone has one, and each one is unique. Customers identify with real people who are willing to share theirs. 
  • Customer-centric. Yes, it’s an about us page, but the goal should be to use the page to let people know how your business will help them
  • Credible website design. Nearly 95 percent of trustworthiness comes from how well your eCommerce website presents itself. A visually appealing About Us page that includes a good mix of content and high-quality images makes a terrific first impression.
  • Testimonials. People prefer peer recommendations over sales pitches any day of the week. You can either include some testimonials on the “About Us” page or include a link to them in your text.
  • Calls to action. Give people somewhere to click to once they’ve finished reading your story. 

The most important thing to remember as you work with your website designer to craft an “About Us” page is to find ways to let your original story do the heavy lifting. For instance, are there anecdotes you can share that would make your business more relatable?  

Designing the Perfect eCommerce “About Us” Page 

A well-designed “About Us” page establishes brand trust that turns leads into conversions. It’s also an essential tool for providing people with the information they need to solve their problems. Smart WSI Marketing is an Edmonton website design company that can build you a great eCommerce “About Us” page that makes you look good and your customers feel secure. Reach out to us today to learn more.

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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