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Mobile Movement: Online Advertising in a Mobile World

Mobile Movement: Online Advertising in a Mobile World

Take a moment and think of what you would do if you had to find the best quality, most talked about product in Edmonton. Would you drive from store to store? Would you boot up your desktop computer and start searching? Oh wait, you'll likely start calling your friends and asking them, right? We're pretty sure you answered no to all of these questions and already found that impressive product by using your handy-dandy mobile device. Would it surprise you to know that nearly 90% of your customers are searching on mobile? Probably not, which is why it’s ludicrous for your business to not have a fully functional, mobile website and invest in the supporting advertising to help your customers find it. Call Smart WSI Marketing today to make sure you aren’t getting left behind.

Missing Out on the Mobile Movement?

We've hit you with quite a few questions right off the bat, but we had to grab your attention! We're in the business of delivering successful online marketing strategies for Edmonton and surrounding area businesses and we would be doing you a disservice if we didn't fill you in on the reasons why you need for a mobile-friendly experience for your customers. Mobile users have officially overtaken desktop users when it comes to the internet so if you're not delivering a great experience, you're missing out on the possibilities and rewards of the mobile movement.

From Nuts and Bolts to Micro-Moments

For your business to be successful, you need a strong online presence with all the nuts and bolts of a digital marketing strategy. To increase your mobile presence and capture your share of people who want instant access to the information they're seeking, the good people of Google have coined a phrase called "micro-moments". The concept of micro-moments is that your business has to appear before your mobile audience quickly and deliver powerful information in mere seconds.

Micro-moments can be divided into 4 main groups:

  • “I want to know” moments. In these moments, people are looking for information about products or services.
  • “I want to do” moments. This is where people need help and are looking to solve a problem.
  • “I want to go” moments. In the “go” moments, people are ready to take action. This is where “near me” searches happen.
  • “I want to buy” moments. In these moments location specific advertising is also important. Your potential customers are ready to make a purchase, and just need help to buy from you.

One of the best things about these micro-moments is that the searcher’s intent is crystal clear. Now all you have to do is develop a strategy to get your ads in front of the right customer at the right time (a very common theme in internet marketing, you may have noticed!)

Clear Intentions

Enter pay-per-click advertising. PPC (also referred to as paid search advertising) ads appear right at the top of the SERPs, before any organic search results. They’re plopped front and centre for searchers to see. While making sure your website is fully optimized for SEO will go a long way in getting your business to appear in the organic search results, paid search ads will still appear first. For great paid ads, be sure to:

  • Have attention grabbing headlines and well written descriptions
    • Be sure to use your keywords in the headings
    • Your description text should highlight what makes your business unique, and they key selling features of your product or service
  • Have a strong call to action
    • Choosing the right action phrase will help make sure that the right customers are clicking on your ad, so you pay for less clicks that aren’t likely to become leads
  • Use the right ad extensions
    • Sitelink extensions drive online sales
    • Location extensions drive visits to your physical location
    • Call extensions drive phone calls
  • Rotate multiple variations of your ads
    • Google recommends having 2 to 4 versions of your ad with varying headlines and descriptions in your ad group.

If Intent is Not So Clear?

What if intent is clear as mud? We’ve got strategies for that too! Targeted ads such as Facebook and Instagram advertising or geofencing serve your ads to potential customers who are not actively searching for your products or service but are likely to be interested based on demographics.

Facebook and Instagram ads are served to your ideal audience based on the information people share on these social platforms (such as age, gender, location, interests, occupation, etc.)

Geofencing ads are shown to people entering a set area (often a proximity to a competitor’s business) to make them aware of your business as well (or instead!) Geofencing ads can be served on over 300,000 aps that people are likely to have installed on their phones.

Deciding which strategies to use ultimately depends on your customer base! With targeted ads, the name of the game is being where your customers are. If you focus your efforts on a platform that your customer base doesn’t use, your time and ad budget is ultimately wasted.

Stand Out & Attract Customers

We told you earlier that almost 90% of Canadian mobile users complete searches on their smartphones or other mobile devices. Out of those, one third of Google searches are location specific. This is where the real work begins to get your business its share of smartphone users. Here are some of the great tips to get your business capitalizing on the mobile movement:

  • If your website is not already built with responsive design, fix that right away. Your website needs to look its best both on desktop and mobile!
  • Add specific location information throughout your content, keeping in mind it has to seem like it occurs naturally and not just forced in. You want to show up for those location searches, don't you?
  • Include driving directions to your store or office, since not everyone is a natural navigator.
  • Make sure the most important information your audience needs can be delivered in mere seconds! People want the most important stuff now, not five minutes from now.
  • Anticipate the questions your customers would ask and provide the answers without making them read paragraphs to find it!
  • Make sure any and all ads take your potential customers to the right landing pages.

Call in the Pros!

So, this was a lot of information! Luckily, you don’t have to go it alone. Smart WSI Marketing is here to guide you every step of the way as you navigate the world of mobile search and advertising. Call us today for a review of your overall digital marketing strategy!

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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