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Seo Fundamentals That Must Be Considered In Your Website Design

SEO Fundamentals that MUST be Considered in Your Website Design

We talk a lot about how crucial search engine optimization (SEO) is to your online presence. While it’s possible to improve or update your website to make it more SEO-friendly, ideally, SEO should be built into the website design process. Why? Because when your web design is created for search marketing and lead generation, it becomes the digital marketing machine you need it to be. Smart WSI Marketing is an Edmonton website design company that builds SEO-rich websites that attract more customers and help grow your business. We can do the same for you! Contact us today to get started.

SEO Website Design

SEO and web design work more closely together than many people realize. Executed correctly, they’ll not only help your website rank better, but they’ll also increase organic traffic and boost your off-page optimization.

Here’s how a good digital marketing agency uses the website design process to help you build a more SEO-friendly site.

  • Mobile ready.

    Mobile-friendliness has been a ranking factor since 2015, and mobile-first indexing was introduced in 2017. Yet, many businesses have not optimized their existing web design to keep up. With more than half of all web traffic now coming from mobile devices, half your potential audience could be missing out on what you offer.
  • Ease-of-use.

    You hear a lot about a good user experience and for a good reason. If people come to your website and poor design makes it difficult or impossible for them to find what they’re looking for, they’ll move on. Most likely, they won’t be back. A skilled web design agency understands how to create websites that keep people returning again and again.
  • Building trust.

    It might not be possible to measure how much people trust you and your website, but gaining that trust is a huge part of ranking higher. How so? Customers have expectations of what they want from a brand’s website. Clean, easy-to-navigate, simple checkout, and useful content are all important to them. When a website is outdated or is difficult to use, it leaves a bad impression and signals you don’t put in much effort. That affects your traffic, site interaction, and more, which can harm your ranking.

Web Design With SEO In Mind

Building SEO into your website design adds value to your customers’ experience and helps you achieve your online marketing goals. If your local Alberta business needs help creating an SEO-friendly web design, doing a redesign, or carrying out a complete overhaul, Smart WSI Marketing is an Edmonton website design company that can help. To learn more about all our digital marketing services, contact us today to make an appointment. You can also request our free digital marketing checkup, which helps determine if your website is as SEO-equipped as it needs to be.

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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