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Which Colours Should I Use for My Website and Why?

Which Colours Should I Use for My Website and Why?

You may have noticed when looking at a website that the colour choices and patterns the website uses are appealing. In fact, so much so that you do not feel like leaving the site and want to see and learn more. It turns out this is no coincidence. This is because the effects colours have in getting your attention and keeping it in your memory has been known for a while now. Research has been done on it, books have been written about it, and it is time for you to take a closer look at what colours to use for your website.

One of the findings regarding the correlation between appealing colours and websites is that when colours were changed, sales increased approximately 25%, on a consistent basis. The following are some of the most sought-after colours for websites and their benefits.


One of the most popular colours to be used is blue. The reason behind this is because blue is calming and inviting. Blue is also associated with trust and loyalty. The best place to use blue is on landing pages. If you look at some of the top social media platforms, and banking sites they use plenty of blue.


If the website is more about educational activities or giving people information, then green is a good choice. The colour green is seen as the colour of creativity and getting the mind to jumpstart and start thinking. Other websites that use a lot of green are, not surprisingly, sites that cover nature, farming, etc. However, even with websites focused on sales, green is often used at the end as a “call to action colour”. This is partly because it is a good contrast or standout colour, which will, in turn, provoke the customer to take action.


Black is rarely used as the main colour of a website, although it can be very effective in certain instances. It is the go-to colour to show off elegance and sophistication. Black is seen as a serious colour. This is why many high-end websites use black to show a product or price range. The bottom line is that if you’re into selling high-value products, then using a lot of black would be a good idea.

What to Take Away

Just as using certain colours can make a difference to your website, following certain patterns is also important. The general rule is the 60,30,10 method. In a nutshell, the primary colour should be 60%, the secondary colour should be 30% and used in contrast to the main colour. 10% should be used as the accent colour which complements either the primary or secondary colour. Whatever colour you choose, remember that giving your website a good colour combo takes time. The best thing to do is to experiment with colour combinations before choosing the one that fits your business. If you’re looking to revamp your website this year, give us a call today!

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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