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Landing Page Pitfalls That Hinder Your Internet Marketing Returns

Landing Page Pitfalls that Hinder Your Internet Marketing Returns

As an experienced digital marketing agency, we get a lot of questions from clients about why one or more of their internet marketing strategies aren’t working as well as they hoped. One of the most frequent we hear is, “why are my PPC ads getting hundreds of clicks, but almost no conversions?” If technical glitches aren’t the issue, it’s likely the problem rests with the landing page. Smart WSI Marketing is an internet marketing company with years of experience identifying businesses’ most common mistakes with their landing pages. Call us today for a free consultation. 

Landing Page Pitfalls Holding You Back

Effective landings pages look great and make terrific first impressions. Giving customers what they want in a landing page isn’t difficult but does take some skill and time. Are you undermining the success of your landing pages by making these typical blunders?

Slow Loading Time

More than half of users leave a website if it takes more than three seconds to load, yet an average site’s loading time is 15 seconds! To avoid this issue, speed test your load time regularly. If it’s lagging, check for things like a slow host, gigantic web files, and poor image optimization.

Ad Design Disconnect

Sometimes a poor click/conversion ratio is due to landing page design. For instance, you might have created eye-catching, beautifully designed ads but they lead to a landing page with an entirely different look and feel. The resulting graphic disconnect can confuse users.

Offering Too Many Options

Every marketing strategy should take into account how busy a user is in real life. Overcomplicated online marketing tactics can overwhelm people who are already balancing plenty of family and work responsibilities. Your landing pages should be stress-free experiences that provide a single purpose: meeting a customer’s immediate needs. Less is more is always a good rule of thumb for landing pages!

Thinking A Desktop Only Design Will Cut It 

If you’re working with a digital marketing agency, you’ve likely heard more than once how important mobile is. That applies to landing pages, too. If you run a lot of ads on social media, you can bet that most of your audience is viewing it on their mobile phones. Trusting that a landing page’s desktop design will captivate mobile audiences is a sure path to missing out on conversions.

Not Following Conversion Best Practices 

Lead generation forms should be as short and sweet as possible. Too many fields to fill out can leave a user racing to a competitor’s site. If you must have more fields, be sure to make it as easy as possible for visitors to complete the form. Most people don’t want to spend more than 30 seconds sharing their information. It’s your job to ensure they don’t.

Winning Landing Pages That Convert

Creating powerful landing pages increases your chances of conversion and ensures you get more from your PPC spend. After all, you’ve already paid for the click—your landing page should make it worth your while! Smart WSI Marketing is an Edmonton digital marketing agency that can help discover your audience’s intent and identify what friction you might be inadvertently causing on your landing pages. To learn how, reach out to us today.

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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