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Your Small Business Needs a Website and Here’s Why

website on laptop screen

Modern technology is shaping consumer behaviour. In 2019, not having a website for your small business means missing out on a huge opportunity to grow your brand. On the fence about having website? Here are a just few reasons that you shouldn’t ignore when it comes to the age of digital.

1. Where Are You?

People are searching for your business! But they aren’t out hitting the streets. They are searching for you online. A recent study shows that 97% of people go online to find a local business. If you don’t have a website that can show up in search results, do you really think you are going to get their business? Not likely. Unless your business can survive on referrals and repeat customers alone you need a website.

2. Judgement Day

A website is not just a way to show off your products and services, but it also adds integrity to your business. Because it is an expected practice, if you don’t have a website people get wary and question the credibility of your business. If you don’t have a website but your competitors do, you are losing customers and driving them to your competition!

3. Your Social Media Account Isn’t a Website

So your small business doesn’t have a website but you have a Facebook page and that’s good enough right? Wrong. You and everyone’s grandparents have a Facebook page and due to algorithm changes organic reach on the platform is at an all time low. Now don’t take that as social media not being important. It is a great tool for helping your business grow brand awareness and engagement, but it is even more effective when teamed up with a great website.

4. You Don’t Have the Budget

Your website doesn’t have to break the bank, but it does have to exist. This does not mean that you should go looking for the cheapest option to save money. While it may seem expensive, you are paying for the quality of the website technology and content that are so necessary for search engine optimization (SEO).

A properly done professional website will always rank higher in search results than the cheaper DIY options even if you have great content to put into it. When working with a digital marketing company, your website is an investment that becomes an asset to help grow your business online.

If your small business does not have a website and you are ready to grow your presence online, contact us today to discuss your options with our website design professionals!

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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