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SEO Basics That You Need to Master Today

Search Engine Optimization Company

We want you to reach maximum business growth, and your website is the key to making that happen. Search engine algorithms are changing faster than many can keep up but there is a method to their madness- they're all trying to match user needs and push quality above all else. We'll help you narrow things down a bit because as your search engine optimization company, we'd be remiss if we didn't tell you the SEO basics that you need to master today.

Start with a Site Audit

We might be a search engine optimization company, but even we don't let much time pass by without performing an audit to determine if our site is technically sound. Things to check include:

  • Whether your site it mobile-friendly and the pages and images load quickly on all devices
  • Your site map is properly organized
  • Navigation is simple
  • You aren't using outdated technologies like Flash

If any of these are issues, be sure to hop on them right away! Search engines are placing more emphasis than ever before on how the technical aspects of your site improve user experience and their algorithms may not be able to index your site if these issues exist. 

Content, Content, Content

Did we mention content? We're sorry, but it's critical. Content is not only a necessity to inform your visitors, it's also how search engines find and index your site. Everything online is keyword driven so researching the keywords your target personas are most likely to use to find your products and services is a top priority. Then, you have to create valuable content that uses those keywords in a natural manner so your site ranks for them. There is no getting around it- quality content with natural use of your targeted keywords is critical.

Add a Little Meta to the Mix

Metadata is like a specialized language that speaks directly to search engines and gives them insider info on your site content. When combined with the other elements we've talked about, it's pretty powerful stuff when it comes to indexing.  Metadata should include:

  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Alt text
  • Anchor text

If you aren't familiar with writing code for metadata, you might find it as an option in your content management system or you can call up your favourite search engine optimization company and we'll help you out!

Local Search and Citations

Having your business information listed elsewhere on the Web helps prove to search engines that your business is relevant and improves trust in your brand. Yellow Pages listings, Google, Google Maps and Yelp are all examples of places where your business information such as name, address and phone number should be listed and the information should be accurate on all of them. Do a Google search on your business to see where it's listed and ensure your information is current. If there are few listings, make time to add more.

We know, it's a lot to take in and ensuring your website is providing you maximum returns, it's almost a full-time job. That's why you have us, your search engine optimization company! We eat, sleep and breathe this stuff for our clients so we can put Edmonton businesses on top of their competitors! Contact us and let's start growing your business today!

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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