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SEO Myths That Drive Digital Marketer's Insane and You Need to Stop Believing

SEO in Edmonton from WSI Web Design & SEM Company

It is no secret that search engines, most notably Google, have been fiddling with and tweaking their algorithms to give search results that matter. The secret part comes in when you try to nail down the specifics of what the search engines are looking for when they make these sneaky little adjustments. Just like anything else that seems mysterious, guesses and myths with just enough truth in them pop up in abundance and you tend to believe what you hear. When it comes to SEO for your Edmonton business, you need to stop believing these myths if you want to achieve results.

Myth #1: There's been an algorithm update and my rankings have changed. I have to change everything NOW!

Whatever you do, don't jump the gun if you notice some changes in your website traffic. Search engine algorithms are tested frequently but that does not mean the algorithm will be put in place globally. When sweeping changes are made, Google and others will post the news and usually some best practices guidelines. Believe it or not, if your site is too optimized, that's a red flag to search engines that you aren't focusing on genuine content and it may harm your rankings.

Myth #2: Link-building will get me blacklisted because it's black hat SEO!

If you solicit links from sites that have nothing at all to do with your business, or purchase links as a means of getting higher ranking, then yes, you stand to be blacklisted for your efforts. High quality, relevant back links however, show the search engines that your site is an authority and improves the customer experience. These are two very important qualities SEO for your local Edmonton business should try to achieve.

Myth #3: Optimizing keywords means keyword stuffing and that's not allowed!

There's a small kernel of truth in this myth. Keyword stuffing isn't allowed, but useful content that includes the keywords you have researched in a natural way, is exactly how to rank high on them. The key is to use long-tail keywords that are relevant and make sure they are not obvious. Your content should flow naturally and shouldn't sound like you're forcing the words.

Myth #4: Google is the only search engine to optimize for!

Google definitely has the market share of searches, at 64%, but can you afford to ignore 36 out of every hundred people performing online searches? What if your target audience makes up 90% of that? We may not talk as much about it, but optimizing for Bing doesn't hurt your Google ranking but the opposite is true. Bing relies heavier on how people use and react to your site so you have to beef up your user experience. Doing so is a win-win though because you'll get traffic from Bing and extra content for Google find that improves your authority and relevance.

Myth #5: Content is king, so that's all I need!

Right about now we're ready for a facepalm on a grand scale. Content is absolutely a critical component for SEO, but if it is put out in a way that has no appeal, or placed where no one wants to stay long enough to read it, how valuable is it? User experience is just as important as the content you are churning out in an attempt to entice visitors. 

Now you know the SEO myths that drive us digital marketers absolutely insane. If you find yourself believing any of these myths, you need experts who have the knowledge and experience that know what is an isn’t true about SEO for local Edmonton businesses. At WSI, our team knows their stuff and we’re happy to teach you a thing or two about SEO! Contact us today and we’ll have a nice plate of cookies waiting… unless we eat them first.

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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