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Four E-Commerce Mistakes That Make Customers Run for the Hills

Four E-Commerce Mistakes That Make Customers Run for the Hills

Selling products online can difficult, especially if your website is not designed to attract and hold the attention of your visitors. In some cases, businesses new to e-commerce may be disappointed to find that their sales fall short of expectations. While there are many possibilities, here are four e-commerce mistakes to avoid:

Are You Instilling Buyer Confidence?

Consider looking at your website from a customer’s point of view: why should they choose you over your competition? If the answer isn’t clear, it may be time to reassess. Find subtle ways to reassure customers that shopping with you is in their best interest. This may include:

  • A professional website free from clutter with easy to follow directions and clear, concise language.
  • Testimonials from other satisfied customers.
  • Sufficient information about the product: specifications, picture galleries, product reviews, etc.

Are you Differentiating Yourself?

Ask yourself what is unique about your business or service. If you have a competitive advantage, how are you informing your customer? While many businesses write lengthy descriptions full of sales pitches, this approach may deter potential customers rather than incentivize them. Instead, show instead of tell.

Design your website to highlight any of the competitive advantages your business provides. Furthermore, a sleek, professional website will speak volumes about your business and the quality it provides. Remember, the customer is looking for a reason to buy from you – so don’t make finding that reason difficult.

Is Your Site Optimized for Mobile?

Per numerous studies, mobile traffic has exceeded desktop traffic. This means that over half of your potential customers are reaching you through their tablet or phone. In 2016, 40% of black Friday sales were completed over mobile devices! Ensuring that your website is fully compatible with mobile visitors is paramount to your business’ success. Here are a few methods:

  • Make sure your website is responsive and catered to mobile users. This means that all links are easy to tap, and information is easy to locate, and images should scale down onto smaller screens.
  • Include easy to find main navigation menus.
  • Ensure that contact forms are large enough for mobile users to click on.
  • Take advantage of visual content! Since your business’ website will be viewed on a much smaller screen, mobile customers will prefer infographics and videos over scrolling through text.

Are you Engaging your Customers?

Show your visitors that you deliver on your promises and that you care about their satisfaction. Put yourself in your visitors' shoes and find ways to ease the potential concerns through social media, customer testimonials, and providing outstanding customer service. Set up the proper social media accounts to ensure that your customers can reach you with any concerns they may have.

Are you making any of these four mistakes? Contact your e-commerce web designers of WSI Edmonton and let's get your site ahead of your competitors!

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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