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The Top Four Reasons Visitors May Dislike Your Website

The Top Four Reasons Visitors May Dislike Your Website

If you recently revamped your website for your Edmonton business, you’re likely eager to reap the rewards of your hard work in the form of increased web traffic and customer conversions. However, it is here that many web designers analyze their data and are disappointed to find low web traffic, high bounce rates, and poor average visit times. If you’re running out of troubleshooting options, it may be time to consider the possibility that users just don’t like your website very much. Here at WSI, we asked our Edmonton web design experts to compile a quick list of red flags to watch for:

Loading Takes Forever

Your new site may look fantastic, but customers may not be willing to wait for all your flashy features to load. Studies show that you’ll lose nearly half of your traffic (47%) if your site takes any longer than three seconds to show up on their screens – and we’re not exaggerating. To make matters worse, most will never return. Customers prefer simple websites that load quickly over their sluggish, flashy, and overcomplicated counterparts nearly every time. If website load times persist, consider contacting your hosting provider.

You Have Ignored Mobile Users

We cannot stress this enough: mobile optimization is crucial for the success of your website and often your business. When a mobile customer is presented with a website that is difficult to read or navigate due to poor or nonexistent mobile scaling, they’re extremely likely to search for a more accessible alternative. Additionally, Google announced in May 2016 that mobile-friendly sites would rank higher in search engines. Ultimately, if you do not optimize your website for mobile, you will turn away customers, and search engine rank will plummet.

You Have Annoying Pop-Ups

Nobody likes intrusive popups. Today’s marketing strategies are primarily catered around creating non-disruptive and user-friendly environments. There is nothing more annoying than trying to access vital information - like a phone number or an address - that is hidden behind a pop up. If popups are necessary, make sure they enhance the user experience and that calls to action are uninhibited and easily accessible.

Keyword Oversaturation

Relevant keywords are an integral component to a successful website; however, when it comes to digital marketing, you truly can have too much of a good thing. “Keyword stuffing” remains one of the biggest mistakes people make when creating websites. Because Google uses complexed algorithms that match search terms with identical or similar keywords on prospective websites, web designers attempted to fool the search engines by inserting excessive keywords into their web content. Of course, Google quickly implemented countermeasures. In short, don’t overdo your keywords or your website will suffer.

There you have it, four reasons your visitors may dislike your website. We at WSI realize that web design and digital marketing are complicated, especially in an everchanging digital landscape. With that in mind, we have a proven web development method that will provide you with a website that is fast loading, popup-free, with just the right number of keywords. Contact us today, we’re sure you’ll love the results and that your customers will too.

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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