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Jumpstart Seo Before Site Launches

Jumpstart SEO Before Site Launches

You have decided when you are going to launch your website, either to introduce your new business or revive a current one, so your work is done until the reveal, right? Wrong. If you really want to maximize your exposure and make the most of digital marketing for your Edmonton business, you need to jump-start your SEO before your site launches.

Since SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, you may be wondering how you can improve your ranking before you even have a live website. Is such a thing possible? We can tell you that yes, it is! That’s the beauty of what we will share with you. We are going to give you the tips you need to promote your brand and business so that when your website is finally live, search engines will find your site relevant almost instantly. 

Remember, the more relevant search engines find the information on and about your site, the higher your ranking will be when people search for your business or keywords that your business optimize for. Call us today to learn more or schedule a consultation.

Built In SEO

SEO needs to be taken into consideration right from the conception of your website. Of course, the supporting content you create should be optimized for search, but so should the meat and potatoes content of your webpages. And it doesn’t stop there. Optimize on-page elements such as:

  • Title tags
  • HTML code
  • URLs
  • Internal links
  • Images

This will all lead to better online visibility, and a much better user experience. After all, the two go hand in hand, don’t they?

Coming in for a Landing

Since you’ll be trying to get search engines to index your site, start out with a "coming soon" landing page to display on your URL until the site goes live. Use the best keywords that target your business and use this page to promote your brand so the search engines can get your site on their radar. A great landing page is also perfect for lead generation and helps connect your users to your brand.

Go Social

Building social media profiles and encouraging engagement takes time and is critical to the success of your business. Take advantage of the time it takes to build your website to build out your social media profiles that will best suit your target market. Start sharing excellent content and building connections with users!

Get Blog Posts Ready

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make when it comes to promoting their brand is not posting content on a consistent basis. Not only does it attract new followers, but it helps you keep them loyal to you. Make sure to have a few blog posts written and prepped ahead of time so that you are posting regularly. Not to mention you’ll have plenty of time to write more blog posts once your website if fully functional.

The idea here is to build trust in your brand, engage your potential customers and improve conversions through the community you build.

Go SEO Crazy!

All of the pages of your website have to be optimized for search engines so your content will be indexed and findable on the wonderful creation that is the world wide web. What does this mean? Well, include regular and longtail keywords in the main content of your webpages as well as in titles. Your digital marketing for your Edmonton business will hinge on what these pages contain!

Be a Chatty Kathy

Interacting and talking with your customers are extremely important when it comes to promoting your business and getting the word out there ahead of your website launching.

Create a place where people can sign up for a newsletter on your “coming soon” page so that you can create an email list and send out update about your website as well as your business. That way, you can get your customers just as excited as you are to see your website get launched.

Beware of Black Hat Tactics

While you are trying to amp up your SEO, beware of the shady techniques that may sound like a good idea at the time. They’ll end up costing you rather than getting you ahead. These include things like:

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Duplicate content
  • Hidden text
  • Misused structured data and snippets
  • Cloaking
  • Sneaky re-directs
  • Purchasing backlinks

While these might seem like quick SEO wins at first, these things will negatively affect your online visibility. You’ll anger the Google Gods, give users a poor experience, and it will not drive long term results. Just stay away from the dark side.

Call in the Pros!

Jumpstarting SEO before your website launch maximizes the effect of your digital marketing for your Edmonton business. SEO is the most essential thing for website, and you don’t want to put it off until your website launches! If you are feeling a little lost or want your digital marketing and website launch to be the best it can be? Get in touch with Smart WSI Marketing! We are the SEO company in Edmonton that will jumpstart your SEO and make your site launch easy as 1, 2, 3. Well, almost as easy as that.

Lynne team member
Lynne Motkoski, Marketing Strategist
Specialty: Online Marketing Strategies
Education: MA Communications & Technology, BComm [U Alberta]
Author: The Online Marketing Handbook for Busy Entrepreneurs (coming soon)

Lynne is known for her strategic approach to marketing communications, technologies, and lead generation. She has a passion for education, keeping up with current marketing trends and practices, and helping clients keep ahead of their competition.


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